There is only one proof of ability: doing. We are proud to show you a selection of references and projects from the past years. Let us convince you of successful projects and inspire you for your own energy management.
Our Partners
Successful projects need reliable and strong partners. Due to our open-market approach, we are not tied to a specific manufacturer, but are able to select the best suppliers and partners for each project. This is how we enable the optimal setting for you and your storage system!
Your personal contact
Christian Wehr
Not convinced yet?
Simply book an initial independent consultation.
be.storaged GmbH
Tel.: +49 441 350 197 0
Visitor’s address:
Escherweg 3, 26121 Oldenburg
Registered office of the company:
Tirpitzstraße 39, 26122 Oldenburg
Products & Services
for Partners
be.storaged GmbH
Tel.: +49 441 350 197 0
Visitor’s address:
Escherweg 3, 26121 Oldenburg
Registered office of the company:
Tirpitzstraße 39, 26122 Oldenburg
© 2023 be.storaged GmbH
A company of EWE AG
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