+49 441 350 197 0 | info@be-storaged.com

Our offer for Energy Consultants & Project Engineer

Projektmanagement der be.storaged GmbH mit Lageplan eines Batteriespeicherprojektes

For Partners

Discover your opportunities

You are an energy consultant or project engineer of battery storage or RE projects? Discover your opportunities as a partner of be.storaged now!

Take advantage of our know-how regarding profitability analyses and feasibility studies and our experience in your (consulting) projects and don’t lose your connection in the dynamic and young environment of the battery storage and flexibility market.

Energy Consultants & Project Engineers

Your benefits at a glance

Expand Your Portfolio

Expand your consulting offering to include the topic of battery storage as well as flexibility marketing.

Increase Profitability

Increase the profitability of your projects by taking into account all potential revenue streams such as system services or flexibility marketing.

Get Independent Ratings

Get independent evaluations of projects on economic as well as technical level and convince investors

Expand Your Network

Expand your network of suppliers for project implementation and improve the offer to your customers

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be. Magazin zur Energiewirtschaft von be.storaged
Mitarbeiter der be.storaged in einer lockeren Runde in der Küche während des Onboardings
Hintergrund blau

Nur noch 1 Klick zu Ihrem unverbindlichen Erstgespräch

Unser Team hilft Ihnen gerne in allen Belangen rund um nachhaltiges Energiemanagement, Batteriespeicher und Co.

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