A special design of the battery systems offers the Research Center Jülich the possibility to use the battery storage for different application purposes at the same time. This flexible approach was a key requirement for the project and its integration into the Living Lab Energy Campus (LLEC).
Project details
As part of this project, two battery storage systems were installed on the premises of the Jülich Forschungszentrum.
Battery storage I
With the help of this battery storage system, Forschungszentrum Jülich is carrying out operational optimizations at the Living Lab Energy Campus (LLEC). In this context, the system was integrated into the client’s medium-voltage grid, where it serves to balance renewable generation and consumption on a minute-to-hour basis. At the same time, it is used as a test platform for various grid applications.
Battery storage II
The second battery storage system is described with a dual-use concept. On the one hand, the system is used for the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) of a building. On the other hand, it provides short-term power for the upstream research network and is thus used for operational optimization.
52428 Jülich, North Rhine-Westphalia
Year of manufacture: 2020
Customer: Forschungszentrum Jülich
Facts & Figures
Here you will find all the important information on technical specifications, system design, fields of application as well as the services we have provided and other interesting facts and figures on the project.
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be.storaged GmbH
Tel.: +49 441 350 197 0
Visitor’s address:
Escherweg 3, 26121 Oldenburg
Registered office of the company:
Tirpitzstraße 39, 26122 Oldenburg
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